Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong)

The site location is 13km from the center of Hanoi city. The road to the project is very convenient. In addition, the project is also in a planned area with concentrated urban areas, promising to create a complex of cities with synchronous, clean, civilized infrastructure and architecture with complete social infrastructure for a new urban area which are advantages of Xuan Ngoc new urban area project. Xuan Ngoc new urban area project carried out by the owner, TASCO Joint Stock Company, has its objective to become a comfortable, modern, safe new urban area to bring about an ideal environment and open space with full services to meet all human needs. Located in a favourable location of expanded Hanoi, Xuan Ngoc area will become a typical developed urban area of the administrative, cultural and sports center of the capital.


Project name: Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area ( "Residential unit 3" Project- Xuan Phuong New Urban Area)


On February 4, 2008, the People’s Committee of Hanoi City issued the decision No. 603/QD-UBND on assigning TASCO Joint Stock Company to prepare and implement the “Residential Unit 3” project - Xuan Phuong New Urban Area in order to return the capital for the project on building the road route from Le Duc Tho street to Xuan Phuong New Urban Area (the end point crosses Road No. 70) under the BT form.

On November 1, 2008, the Project was approved in the decision No. 179/QD-HDQT by TASCO Joint Stock Company.

On January 19, 2009, the People’s Committee of Hanoi City issued the decision No. 345/QD-UBND on approving the investment in infrastructure construction of “Residential Unit 3” of Xuan Phuong New Urban Area.

Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 1
 Site location: Xuan Phuong commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi city

Area: 29,8 ha

Total investment: VND769 billion (for the infrastructure)

Main functions: apartment building, villas, mixed facilities, car parks, schools, kindergartens, parks and other public works

Development objectives:
- Building a comfortable, modern and safe new urban area
- The new urban area will brings about an ideal environment, an open space with full services to meet all human needs
Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 2
Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 3
Project Progress:
Strengths of the Project:

    • 13km from the center of Hanoi
    • Taking advantages of the market of 6.3 million people of Hanoi
    • Fast site clearance progress
    • Reasonable project scale and quick infrastructure preparation
    • Acceptable compensation costs , land use fees, and ground levelling land filling costs
    • Convenient location, located in the planned area of other urban areas such as, Me Dinh, Me Tri, Kim Chung - Di Trach, Van Canh, Son Dong, South An Khanh, etc. promising to create a new urban complex synchronous in the infrastructure, clean, spacious architecture, civilized, and fully equipped with social infrastructure for a new urban area
    • Convenient access to the project location
    • Adequate electricity and clean water
Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 5
Convenient access to the project location:
Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 6
Opportunities of the Project:
    • Drawing much attention from the market due to its location in an area of concentrated urban areas
    • Located in a favorable location of expanded Hanoi in the future
    • Be able to become a typical and developed urban area of administrative, cultural and sports center of expanded Hanoi Capital in the future
    • The project on expanding and upgrading the Road No. 70 has been approved by the competent authority and scheduled for completion in 2011
Xuan Ngoc New Urban Area (Xuan Phuong) ảnh 7

Tin cùng chuyên mục

Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính dự, chứng kiến Lễ ký, trao 26 thỏa thuận hợp tác của các bộ, ngành và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và đối tác Anh.

Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính dự Hội nghị COP26 và làm việc tại Anh: Ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác trị giá hàng tỷ USD

(PLVN) - Nhân chuyến tham dự Hội nghị COP26 và làm việc tại Vương quốc Anh, chiều 31/10 (giờ địa phương), tại thành phố Edinburg, Scotland, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính đã dự, chứng kiến lễ ký, trao 26 thỏa thuận hợp tác trong các lĩnh vực thương mại, nông nghiệp, năng lượng, y tế, giáo dục, đào tạo, bảo vệ môi trường, thể thao... của các bộ, ngành và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và đối tác Anh.

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