HUT – Successful issue of 4,097,600 shares through auction at HNX

On August 2, 2010 Hanoi Securities Trading Centre announced the result of the initial public offering of TASCO Joint Stock Company. Accordingly, the highest winning price is 24,100 VND/share, the lowest winning price is 21,700 VND/share, and the average winning price is 22,307 VND/share (total sold value is 91,460,600,000 VND).

On August 2, 2010 Hanoi Securities Trading Centre announced the result of the initial public offering of TASCO Joint Stock Company. Accordingly, the highest winning price is 24,100 VND/share, the lowest winning price is 21,700 VND/share, and the average winning price is 22,307 VND/share (total sold value is 91,460,600,000 VND).

Ông PHẠM VĂN LƯƠNG - Tổng Giám đốc Công ty CP Tasco - “Mức giá đấu thành công bình quân 22,307 đồng/cổ phiếu trong tình hình thị trường chứng khoán đang nhiều biến động bất lợi thể hiện sự tin tưởng của nhà đầu tư đối với tình hình kinh doanh và chiến lược phát triển lâu dài của Công ty cổ phần Tasco”
General Director of Tasco Joint Stock Company

“In the situation of changing stock market with a number of negative impacts, the average winning price of 22,307 VND/share reflected investors’ confidence in the business and long term development strategy of  Tasco Joint Stock Company (JSC)”

In this auction, 145 investors have participated in the auction, including 143 individual and 02 organizational investors. The total shares registered to purchase are 10,439,100 shares. Thus, the total shares to be purchased are 4.1 million shares (in which 4,097,600 shares have been paid by investors). The total value of sold shares is 91,406,480,000 VND. By August 16, 2010, investors have paid all money for the auction of the winning shares of this issue

After the first 6 months of 2010, according to the statistics in the audited Consolidated Financial Report of the Second Quater/2010, TASCO JSC  has had the total asset value of 2,277 billion VND, an increase of 198% against the same period last year. Its total income of the first 6 months of 2010 is 354 billion VND, an increase of 246 billion VND compared with that of the same period in 2009. The pre-tax profit of the 6 months is 39.3 billion VND, an increase of 39.9 billion VND against the same period in 2009, including 26.6 billion VND from investment and real estate business activities.

As planned, the Company will pay dividends of 18% of the first period in 2010 (01 share to be paid 1,800 VND) to current shareholders on September 22, 2010.

The current development orientation of TASCO JSC is to become one of the leading enterprises in infrastructure building, real estate business and financial investment in Vietnam, creating increasing added value for its shareholders.

Tin cùng chuyên mục

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(PLVN) - Nhân chuyến tham dự Hội nghị COP26 và làm việc tại Vương quốc Anh, chiều 31/10 (giờ địa phương), tại thành phố Edinburg, Scotland, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính đã dự, chứng kiến lễ ký, trao 26 thỏa thuận hợp tác trong các lĩnh vực thương mại, nông nghiệp, năng lượng, y tế, giáo dục, đào tạo, bảo vệ môi trường, thể thao... của các bộ, ngành và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và đối tác Anh.

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