Tasco opened the “MTP- Japanese Management Skills” course

In the context of rapid changes in the market, the management skill has become an issue that requires more concern. In order for the success of an organization, its leaders must be good at both “Management” and “Leadership”. Being aware of this, the Management of Tasco held the “MTP- Japanese Management Skills” course. The program is expected to provide important elements in evaluation and reflect the core points of management methods in both theory and practice.

In the context of rapid changes in the market, the management skill has become an issue that requires more concern. In order for the success of an organization, its leaders must be good at both “Management” and “Leadership”. Being aware of this, the Management of Tasco held the “MTP- Japanese Management Skills” course. The program is expected to provide important elements in evaluation and reflect the core points of management methods in both theory and practice. This is implemented by means of assessing various methods of management, open discussions, self-evaluation and real reflection in the management of work, time and manpower…

Tasco opened the “MTP- Japanese Management Skills” course ảnh 1

The participants included the Board of Leaders, Directors Board, head/vice head of departments together with key staffs who come from the subsidiaries under Tasco JSC., The course consisted three classes taking place from 08:15 AM to 16:30 PM of 25-26/09/2009 and 3/10/2009. Ms Le Thi Lam Vien – Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry was chosen as the Lecturer who had prepared special textbooks on management skills for Tasco.

The course targeted to discuss concepts of management skills and develop their own definitions. The similarities and differences of various models were discovered and the leaders could evaluate themselves on the basis of such models. It also aimed to develop basic skills for the leaders: forming vision, transmitting vision, creating capabilities. The skills to be most concerned during the course include innovating work, managing operation, training and managing employees as well as building reliable relations and deploying the management. They are also the major contents given to the trainees during the three classes.

Tasco opened the “MTP- Japanese Management Skills” course ảnh 2

Ms Lam Vien applied the new teaching method “Take learners to make the centre of education” in which ideas and persuasion of each individual are respected. For such a matter, the lecturer wanted to mention the listening skill of leaders. It is also the basis of teaching methods in universities and institutes of the developed countries over the world. By applying the method, she listened and let her trainees freely express their ideas and opinions. After that, she collected all of the ideas creatively. Such a method has been approved by the world in applying the teaching method based on dealing with issues so that the trainees can analyze and address actual problems independently. The learning program mainly focused on supposed situations and team work so that the issues would be analyzed and resolved. This required the trainees to have real working experience through the probation, then applying it in their work more effectively.

Despite the limited time, the trainees were provided with a great deal of useful knowledge thanks to the highly attractive teaching method and style of Ms Le Thi Lam Vien. The course is evaluated to satisfy its proposed targets and efficiency.


Tin cùng chuyên mục

Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính dự, chứng kiến Lễ ký, trao 26 thỏa thuận hợp tác của các bộ, ngành và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và đối tác Anh.

Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính dự Hội nghị COP26 và làm việc tại Anh: Ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác trị giá hàng tỷ USD

(PLVN) - Nhân chuyến tham dự Hội nghị COP26 và làm việc tại Vương quốc Anh, chiều 31/10 (giờ địa phương), tại thành phố Edinburg, Scotland, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính đã dự, chứng kiến lễ ký, trao 26 thỏa thuận hợp tác trong các lĩnh vực thương mại, nông nghiệp, năng lượng, y tế, giáo dục, đào tạo, bảo vệ môi trường, thể thao... của các bộ, ngành và doanh nghiệp Việt Nam và đối tác Anh.

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